Editura Art
Femeia de fier/The iron woman (editia bilingva)-art
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Editie: Cartonata
Varsta: +10 ani
An aparitie: 2017
Nr. pagini: 200
Autor: Ted Hughes
Format: 220x180
Traducator: Virgil Stanciu
Categoria: Literatura Fantasy
Editie: Cartonata
Varsta: +10 ani
An aparitie: 2017
Nr. pagini: 200
Autor: Ted Hughes
Format: 220x180
Traducator: Virgil Stanciu
Categoria: Literatura Fantasy
Femeia de Fier a iesit la suprafata din maruntaiele Pamantului, cu gandul sa se razbune pe oamenii care polueaza raurile si marile, incepand cu fabrica de deseuri din oras. Pamantul e plin de gunoaie, apele sunt toxice, iar animalele mor pe capete. Ajutata de vechiul Ingerdracliliac-cosmic, care acum e un spirit protector al Pamantului, Femeia de Fier transforma toti barbatii din Anglia in animale de apa, ca sa le arate consecintele propriei lacomii – insa nimeni nu stie cum sa-i transforme inapoi....
Aparuta la 25 de ani dupa prima carte, Barbatul de Fier, cu care merita citita impreuna, Femeia de Fier este o poveste chiar mai curajoasa si mai categorica, dar la fel de imaginativa si la fel de poetica.
„O povestire fantastica plina de provocari, de o imaginatie feroce.” - Guardian
The Iron Woman has come out from the very bowels of the Earth in order to take vengeance on the people polluting the lakes and the sea, starting with the waste factory in town. The Earth is covered in trash, the waters are toxic and the animals are dying in droves. Helped by the old space-bat-angel-dragon, who is now a guardian spirit of the planet, the Iron Woman turns all the men in England into aquatic animals, in order to show to them the consequences of their own greed – but now nobody knows how to turn them back…
Published 25 years after the first book, The Iron Man (and deserving to be read together with it), The Iron Woman is even more courageous and emphatic a story, but as strongly poetic and imaginative.
Femeia de Fier a iesit la suprafata din maruntaiele Pamantului, cu gandul sa se razbune pe oamenii care polueaza raurile si marile, incepand cu fabrica de deseuri din oras. Pamantul e plin de gunoaie, apele sunt toxice, iar animalele mor pe capete. Ajutata de vechiul Ingerdracliliac-cosmic, care acum e un spirit protector al Pamantului, Femeia de Fier transforma toti barbatii din Anglia in animale de apa, ca sa le arate consecintele propriei lacomii – insa nimeni nu stie cum sa-i transforme inapoi....
Aparuta la 25 de ani dupa prima carte, Barbatul de Fier, cu care merita citita impreuna, Femeia de Fier este o poveste chiar mai curajoasa si mai categorica, dar la fel de imaginativa si la fel de poetica.
„O povestire fantastica plina de provocari, de o imaginatie feroce.” - Guardian
The Iron Woman has come out from the very bowels of the Earth in order to take vengeance on the people polluting the lakes and the sea, starting with the waste factory in town. The Earth is covered in trash, the waters are toxic and the animals are dying in droves. Helped by the old space-bat-angel-dragon, who is now a guardian spirit of the planet, the Iron Woman turns all the men in England into aquatic animals, in order to show to them the consequences of their own greed – but now nobody knows how to turn them back…
Published 25 years after the first book, The Iron Man (and deserving to be read together with it), The Iron Woman is even more courageous and emphatic a story, but as strongly poetic and imaginative.